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Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 6-7pm

Stealing Culture: The Intersection of Criminal Law and Museum Studies
UW Art Museum, Entrance Hall

A presentation + conversation with Nicole M. Crawford, Assistant Director and Chief Curator at the UW Art Museum, and Dr. Darrell D. Jackson, Professor of Law at the UW College of Law

Art and artifacts play a vital role in shaping cultural narratives and identities. But what happens when the ownership of an object is called into question? What responsibilities do museums, collectors, or galleries, have when they find an object in their collection that is likely the result of theft or looting from the artifact’s community of origin?

Join Nicole M. Crawford, UW Art Museum, and Dr. Darrell D. Jackson, UW College of Law, for a presentation and conversation on the moral, ethical, and legal processes and challenges of dealing with objects that may have questionable or incomplete provenance.

University of Wyoming ARt Museum

2111 East Willett Drive, Laramie, WY 82071
